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Live. Laugh. Love.

Three different things yet when put together results in an awesome, vibrant, balanced life. Why? Living - spontaneous cluster of events that happens every second, minute, hour, days, weeks, months and years; that is just my own way of picturing what life is but how do we exactly live our life? Things can happen real quick and next thing you know, you're F---! Yep you have guessed the word right! Living your life can be based from the song "It's my life by Bon Jovi" literally it is happening this very moment i am writing this (the NOW) and if i did not write all of these words being put together then (it's NEVER)...Never will i write a blog, never will i share our experiences in a foreign land, never--for me is boring! Do what makes you do the second word on the title of this blog. Laugh! hahaha. There you go I wrote that but will you be able to know exactly if i just smiled or smirked? Did i do it silently or loudly? or was I laughing inside my head and not making facial expression to be considered a "laughing" action/gesture. No matter what kind of laugh, if it is a result of what you are doing, then my friend you are doing it right! Laughter makes life meaning. It is contagious and a good feeling, good exercise too for your jaws or should i say mandibles? Nah, too nerdy. hahaha! There I go again. Finally to the last but probably the most powerful and inexplicable phenomena. A four letter word where in its absence can lead to disorder or chaos. A word where if said too often losses its meaning. A word where if you have it, you practice it, you feel it, you experience it and if seen more often in our world would probably the most beautiful thing ever. A word that can build a world without fear, full of people helping each other rather than destroying the first word - life. To love is our free will, whom to love would be our choice, when to love is always unexpected and to be loved is a blessing. Try and associate this three words more in our daily lives and see the difference it can make. "Peace, love and rock n' roll!"

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